Monday, May 13, 2013

Numeric Details of Excel 03 and 07

Numeric Details of Excel 03 and 07

In Ms-Excel , Microsoft presenting yearly some changes in Excel

Some of the changes in Ms-Excel 2003 and 2007, i.e

Numeric Details in Excel-03 and Excel-07
Details Excel-2003 Excel-2007
Number of Rows 65536 1048576
Number of Columns 256 16384
Amount of Memory Used 1 G Bytes Maximum allowed by Windows
Number of Colors 56 4.3 Billion
Number of Conditional formats Per Cell 3 Unlimited
Number of Levels of Sorting 3 64
Number of Levels of Undo 16 100
Number of Items Shown in the Auto – Filter Dropdown 1000 10000
Number of Characters that can display in a cell 1000 32000
Number of Unique Styles in a Workbook 4000 64000
Number of Characters in a Formula 1000 8000
Number of Levels of Nesting in a Formula 7 64
Number of Function Arguments 30 255

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